Thursday, June 17, 2010

Where I've been...

It's been a couple of interesting, satisfying days. My first full day consisted of a city tour and getting familiar with the LUCHA office, the food bank, and streets in downtown Fredericksburg. The second day, Kyle (the youth programs intern) and I went to the food bank to shop on behalf of four latino families in the area. After dropping off the food to the families, we spent the afternoon taking inventory of the remaining school supplies from last year's school supply drive. But with the World Cup playing in the background, counting 350 single subject notebooks really wasn't like work at all.

Day three found me running my first solo errand with a single, latina mother of three. Together, we filled out her paper work for food stamps and visited the social services office to make sure that everything was in order.

Kyle joined me for the second part of the day in order to take a mother and her son to the dentist. During the visit, a couple of translating fails occurred, and there was no Spanish/English dictionary in sight. After much debating over the word for 'tooth plaque' in Spanish, the boy's mother finally explained to us that 'placas' in Spanish means dentures (not plaque). After realizing that we had been trying to convince her that her 10 year-old son wore dentures, a good laugh was shared on all accounts.

Below: Photo of the day featuring my lovely, temporary home.

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