Our trip to Passport Camp in Wenham, Massachusetts, flew by at warp speed. The youth had a great time, and no one died (that's the most important thing). They worked at several different mission sites, held daily Bible study and worship, went to the 60's dance and participated in the HeeHaw talent show. On the way home, we accidently ended up in Manhattan, so we decided to visit the John Lennon Memorial in Central Park and Times Square. Overall, an amazing time.
This is my final full week in Fredericksburg, and it's going to be a busy one. On Monday we're taking everyone to the pool. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday we are distributing children's books and taking people to their doctor appointments. On Wednesday, Kyle and I are taking three of the older youth to the University of Maryland. And on Sunday three of us are driving to Alabama for the end of summer retreat. Should be a great time!
Pictures soon!